Dr. Lisa Patierne

Guardian of the Guardians

Building bridges of peace, hope and trust

Guarding the Guardians

We are living in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world today; an acronym coined by the U.S. War College. We are all faced with many challenges in the workforce, but few individuals face more challenges than those who guard and protect our communities, and work with people who are experiencing the most difficult times of their lives. They are the guardians of our community. All first responders, veterans, nurses, doctors, teachers, and school leaders are working under extremely stressful circumstances, yet at the same time they continue assisting people at their darkest hour. The saying, ‘You can’t walk through water without getting wet,” is a reality they face each and every day.


Using the concepts of RESPONSIVE Leadership, Dr. Patierne offers a highly interactive, motivating, and informative workshop geared toward building the emotional foundation of the guardians of our community. She provides tools to prevent vicarious trauma, cynicism, and burnout. She explores how the events in the workplace affect response, relationships, and families. She provides tools specifically geared towards building resilience, strengthening leadership, understanding the effects of trauma on themselves and the community they serve, and increasing on the job satisfaction resulting in the ability to reach the highest levels of success in every area of life. It is a holistic approach to understanding and leading themselves, so they can lead their teams and their communities to reach their greatest potential.

Officer Testimonials


Guarding the Guardians has made a significant impact in the field of safety officer training in New York State, having reached approximately 1,500 officers with this dynamic, engaging, and insightful program. The effects of our workshops have been profound and far-reaching. Officers have emerged from these sessions rejuvenated, inspired, and equipped with the necessary tools to excel both personally and professionally. Emphasizing RESPONSIVE behavior over reactive responses, they are now more prepared to handle daily challenges with a positive and proactive mindset.


Hearing firsthand from the officers who have experienced these seminars, you can sense the profound impact this training has had on their lives. Their testimonials speak volumes about the transformative power of this work.  Here’s what they are saying……


“I truly believe Dr. Patierne’s knowledge and understanding of trauma and first responders would benefit workers all over the state.”  

Albert Tarrone, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office 


“Lisa has a unique ability to gain the interest and engagement of police officers from all different years of service and expertise. Resiliency and trauma are topic areas that are often difficult to get officers to engage in, but Lisa does a great job doing it.”

 Sergeant Jim Dress, Westchester PD


“The classroom interaction was great for communication skill development. Lisa is fantastic at developing relationships and making learning fun.” 

Michael Barbin, Bethlehem PD


“This course was eye-opening for me on a personal and professional level. I have learned countless strategies and methods to approach real-life situations at work and in my personal life. This course forced me to leave my comfort zone with minimal encouragement by the second day. Lisa and her course are an asset. Each day that I left the building, I felt better. Thank you.”

Jacqueline Briggs, Mount Pleasant PD


“I’ve been a police officer for 20 years, and for the last 17 of those years, I’ve been assigned to our community policing unit. I was designated to attend this training; community resource officer school. This information that was presented this week has been invaluable and should be presented to other officers regardless of the assignment they are in. Lisa was a great, funny, and very entertaining presenter.”

Thomas P. Murray, Harmond PD


“Dr. Patierne from the start took us out of our comfort zone. She helped us to look at ourselves and hold ourselves accountable, that we need to take care of ourselves so that we can be the best we can be for our family, coworkers, and the community. It was an active course each day.  It was easy to learn and take in the material.”

Latoya Anderson, Rye City PD


“Doctor Patierne instructed our class with dedication, enthusiasm and knowledge. Her passion for helping police officers and emergency service personnel was evident.”

Amanda Collier Putnam County Sheriff’s Department 


“Lisa is an extremely professional instructor. Dr. Patierne speaks of knowledge but personal and professional experiences as well. It has been a great asset and learning experience. I feel every person who deals with people should get the training, not just the cops.”

Anthony Dinardo, Irvington PD


“This course is imperative in helping to bridge connections and break barriers within your community. Additionally, it shares a focus with regard to Officer wellness which allows an officer the opportunity to be fully present as a vested stakeholder in the community they serve and work in.”

Sergeant Alonso Montanya, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office


“I believe that the principles that are discussed in this course are vital in helping officers thrive in their careers. It reinforces the core positive values of policing and more importantly, being a human. I think that everyone needs this course.”

Desmond Smith, White Plains PD


“The CRO course and the attention brought in regards to Officer wellness through a holistic approach has been a great opportunity for me. Lisa, as an instructor, brings a lot of enthusiasm and engagement to the course making me excited to participate.”

Nick Moya, Sleepy Hollow PD


“The program is a great way to help those officers that might not want to ask for help get a resource or a start to get this help. The program has helped me understand better that I should look at the positives in my life.” 

Police Officer Aaron Sevillano, Westchester County PD


“I truly believe Dr. Patierne’s knowledge and understanding of trauma and first responders would benefit workers all over the state.”

  Albert Tarrone, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office 


“The I’m Human program was quite the experience. Dr. Lisa Patierne’s teachings were engaging and allowed us police officers to have new perspectives that will help us out in the field. She made the course enjoyable and interesting.”

Leticia Lua, New Rochelle PD


“The information presented to this class is truly invaluable. Every police officer during their career should have access to this course. The material was engaging, reliable, and important.”

Joao Anjo, Rye City PD


“The CRO training is an effective class for police to handle not only their own careers and life, but it also allows us to be better police officers to the public. All instructors were knowledgeable and passionate about the training.”

Tom Varbero, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office


“I’ve been to numerous trainings throughout my nine years as an officer. Dr. Lisa Patierne is by far one of the best instructors. Dr. Patierne is engaging, which is hard to do with police officers.”

Chris Salguero, City of Rye Police Department


“Lisa was great. She was one of the best instructors I have ever had the chance to listen to. I feel we need more instructors like Lisa speaking about the effects of trauma on police officers. It is a topic most do not speak about in this line of work. You’re supposed to be the strong one and never admit that anything bothers you. You are looked at as if you can’t handle the job if you admit something bothers you. I feel more should be aware that it is okay and normal to admit something is bothering you. It is also important to learn ways to deal with the issues.”


Jessica Alberts, Herkimer PD


“Dr. Patierne’s approach to teaching law enforcement is awesome; she keeps you engaged and actually helps you digest the information and gives you ways to apply them. It is also very hard to get officers to buy into what you are teaching if you are outside of that family, and Doctor Patierne is passionate about her job and children as well as being knowledgeable in regards to officer wellness. I think the state needs to do more for officer wellness.” 

Amanda Mackey, Watertown PD


“This was an amazing opportunity. I learned a lot about myself and what my strengths and weaknesses are, and what I need to personally improve on. I plan on passing the message forward.”

Anthony Mirabile, New Rochelle PD


“This program is a benefit to every officer out there because it helps educate them on mental health for not only themselves but the community. By learning about yourself and how you think and function as a person, you will have a better understanding of how to help your community.”

Nicholas Cangemi, Port Washington PD


“I think this course is a very good tool for officer wellness and how to cope with job-related and everyday stress in life. I believe more police agencies should provide this training to their employees along with in-service training.”

Nicholas Mirkio, Westchester County PD


“The opportunity to be part of this class was amazing. So much of the criteria was an eye-opener and should be provided to all of law enforcement and first responders. Dr. Lisa Patierne is exceptional and truly knows the material and is compassionate about it. Certainly learned a lot. Thank you so much.”

Steven McCann, Tuckahoe PD


“I have had the pleasure of having Dr. Lisa Patierne for both the juvenile officer class and the community resource officer class. She brings a new fresh perspective to police trainings. The I’m Human curriculum is different from any other training I’ve attended. I find officers are more open and attentive in her class.”

Police Officer Heather Fries, Peekskill PD


“I was unsure and skeptical of what the course would offer. Lisa brought a different perspective and hands-on learning experience that was engaging to the class. The information presented is understandable and practical strategies should prove useful in the future.”

Justin Bogdanffy, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office


“This is a great program. Lisa has a lot of knowledge and is an amazing instructor and presenter. This class has made me realize how important it is to really think about myself and how I may be affected by everything in life.”

Kevin Ward Jr., Croton on the Hudson PD


“Lisa is very outgoing and personable which makes it easy to connect with her. Lisa is passionate about what she teaches and knows information well, she brings an outside view to things. She made me view a lot that I do at my job in life differently. This class was informative in better catering to my community.”

Danielle Costa, City of Poughkeepsie PD


“Lisa is a great instructor who demonstrates a true passion for the topic she teaches. Her passion and teaching style make it easy to learn from her. This class will allow myself and other officers to become better at our jobs and engage the community with a new and improved mindset.”

Nicholas Klebetz, White Plains PD


“We can’t help others unless we as officers help ourselves first.”

Wayne Nelson, New Rochelle PD